Sun safety for babies and toddlers

It’s a natural Mama bear instinct to want to protect our babies from harm, but sometimes it’s easy to forget the obvious things like the harsh Australian sun.
Australia is home to some of the highest levels of ultraviolet (UV) radiation in the world. UV radiation is a form of energy produced by the sun and exposure to this type of radiation is a major cause of skin cancer in Australia. It’s important not to assume that if the sky is cloudy or the temperature is cool that the risk of exposure to UV radiation is low, as even on cooler and overcast days the level of UV radiation can be very high. While it is essential to protect ourselves and our babies from the harsh sun, small amounts of exposure to the sun have vital benefits for wellbeing. Exposure to UV radiation is a natural source of Vitamin D which is essential for bone health, so it’s important to find the right balance of sunlight for babies and children. This blog explores ways to protect babies and toddlers from the sun and the important benefits that the sun offers.
Babies’ and toddlers’ skin is incredibly sensitive and vulnerable to the harsh sun in the first few years of their life, as parents, it’s important to protect their precious skin when out in the sun. This is something that we are very passionate about here at Lovekins.
Lovekins have created a multivitamin rich, broad-spectrum Baby sunscreen - perfect for your little ones. You can rest assured that Lovekins only uses the finest quality ingredients, mixing love with science to create an SPF 30 Baby/kid Sunscreen that will not only protect your little one’s skin, but it will also nourish it as well.
Protecting your baby’s skin can be as simple as:
- Use an SPF 30+ water-resistantsunscreento help protect your baby’s skin. Use from the age of 6 months.
- Avoiding direct sunlight during the hours of 10 am-4 pm, as this is when the UV radiation is at its most intense. Try and plan your outdoor adventures for the early morning or late afternoon.
- Dress your baby/toddler in lightweight and long sleeve protective clothing. Some clothing and swimwear come with an Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) which measures the level of sun protection in the material. If there is no UPF rating on your little one’s clothing, look for material that is a full percentage fabric, for example, natural fabrics like cotton, linen, hemp, or synthetic fabrics like polyester and Lycra.
- Always dress your little one in a wide brim hat that covers their face and neck.
- When out in the sun during the hours of 10 am-4 pm always seek out shade and use the protective sun shield on your pram, but make sure there is enough airflow to keep your baby cool.
- Keep your little one hydrated! Remember that babies under 6 months should not be consuming water, breastmilk, or formula is their source of hydration.
- Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before sun exposure and re-apply every 2 hours. Find a sunscreen, like Lovekins Baby Sunscreen that is suitable for babies and is sensitive on their skin.
What sunscreen is best for babies and toddlers?
Lovekins all-natural and plant-based SPF 30 sunscreen for babies, helps to protect your little ones sensitive skin from the harsh sun. This unique multivitamin sunscreen has a Zinc Oxide base, providing non – chemical, broad-spectrum, and water-resistant protection for your little one’s skin. It is enriched with vitamin C from the Kakadu Plum and Candelilla Wax, which both act as a barrier to help prevent your baby’s skin from drying out. This all-natural product is recommended and endorsed by The Australian College of Midwives.
If your find yourself in a situation where your baby has been sunburnt, it’s important to keep them well hydrated and to seek professional medical advice on how to treat their skin. Accidents happen and all parents make mistakes, so don’t be hard on yourself if this happens to you. It’s important to remember that your little loves follow by example. As their Mama, you are their most important role model and if you normalise sun safety precautions, they are more likely to be sun safe themselves.
You can read more about Lovekins Baby Sunscreen and our range of Baby Skincare here.