All about the Professional Series

Blog written by Midwife Aliza Carr of Bumbnbub
The Professional Series range is professionally formulated, dermatologically tested, vegan-friendly and endorsed by the Australian College of Midwives to support you on your antenatal and postpartum journey.
What are the products?
The two new and exciting products by Lovekins X Bumpnbub are Perineum Massage Oil and After Birth Spray.
The Perineum Massage Oil contains native Australian ingredients and is used when massaging your perineum before your baby is born to help improve skin elasticity which can reduce tearing during birth.
The After Birth Spray is used on the perineum after your baby is born, and is a natural formula infused with Witch Hazel and other anti-inflammatory ingredients to reduce swelling and pain associated with birth and to assist the recovery and healing of your perineum.
Where do I use these products?
Perineum Massage Oil and After Birth Spray are both used on the perineum, as per the below instructions.
The perineum is the area of skin and muscle between your vagina and bottom. This is the area that stretches to allow your baby to be born. Sometimes a tear can occur at the perineum during childbirth, and this is where the products come in!
How do I use the products?
Perineum Massage Oil is used in the antenatal period for perineal massage. Formulated for sensitive areas it contains natural vitamin E and Argan Kernel Oil to ensure you get the benefits of perineal massage in a comfortable way. Simply apply a few drops of the massage oil to your fingertips prior to performing perineal massage, this should be done 1-2 times per week.
After Birth Spray is designed to nurture delicate skin during the postpartum period. The combination of Arnica Flower, Kakadu Plum & Tasmanian Pepper Berry has anti-inflammatory properties and helps reduce skin irritation. Ensure your perineum is clean and dry before application, hold the spray bottle 20cm away from the area before applying. Use as often as needed, especially after the toilet or shower.
What is perineal massage?
Massaging the perineum in the antenatal period is supported by evidence to increase the elasticity and flexibility of the tissue and muscles in the perineum to prepare for the birth of your baby. You or your partner can perform perineal massage, after clearance by your healthcare provider, to experience benefits at birth and in the postpartum period.
What are the benefits of perineal massage?
Perineal massage has been shown to reduce the occurrence of perineal trauma at birth, including tears and episiotomies (an incision made in the perineum). There is strong evidence to support perineal massage reducing the severity of tears for mums having their first baby or first vaginal birth. Perineal massage in the antenatal period can also reduce perineal pain in the weeks and months that follow birth, which means being more comfortable and recovering quicker to enjoy time with your baby.
While massaging the perineum, you are also familiarising yourself with a similar sensation to the burning or stinging that can be felt as your baby is being born, which helps you to relax and breathe through the pushing stage instead of tensing.
When do I perform perineal massage?
It is recommended to commence perineal massage with Lovekins X Bumpnbub Perineum Massage Oil between 34- 35 weeks pregnant if you are planning a vaginal birth. Always seek clearance from your pregnancy specialist prior to commencing.
How do I perform perineal massage?
You can massage your perineum 1-2 times per week for up to 5 minutes each time. It is best to undertake massage after applying a warm cloth compress for 10 minutes or having a bath, as this will help the muscles to relax. Ensure your hands are clean and your bladder is empty before massaging your perineum.
- Obtain a comfortable position- standing, sitting, or lying
- Use a mirror if you need to visualise the area
- Put a few drops of Lovekins X Bumpnbub Perineum Massage Oil on both thumbs or thumb and index finger. Gently insert your fingers just inside your vagina, around 3-5cm
- Apply pressure downwards and towards the sides, in a ‘u’ shaped motion
- A slight tingling and stretching sensation may occur. Hold this stretch for about 60 seconds while taking deep breaths and relaxing your pelvic floor, and then release
- Apply some more massage oil if needed and continue for up to 5 minutes slowly stretching the skin.

What can I do during postpartum for the healing of my perineum?
After your baby is born, it is now time to support your perineum to recover and heal effectively.
Most importantly, whether you have a tear or not, keep the perineum as clean as possible with regular showers and drying the area well. You can then apply Lovekins X Bumpnbub After Birth Spray to soothe the area and encourage optimal healing. Ensure to change your pads every 3-4 hours to minimise the risk of infection. You can also apply ice to your perineum every few hours in the initial postpartum period (first 3 days) to decrease pain, swelling and bruising. And last but not least, between caring for your baby try to get adequate rest by lying on your side or flat on your back to reduce the swelling and discomfort in your perineum.
Lovekins X Bumpnbub Professional Series is now available to purchase!
Always consult your healthcare professional before undertaking the above.